We all know the dangers of taking too much sugar all at once. There is a sense in which we can gain a sudden burst of energy and then exhaustion quickly follows. After a long period of fasting and abstinence there can be a sense in which we have run a marathon of 40 days and then can see the sudden burst to the finish line as our goal. It is almost all the preparation and training for Easter is all exhausted in one day. However, Easter is not just a flash in the pan: here today and gone tomorrow. In fact Easter lasts for 50 days! It is a time in which we allow Jesus to find us and lead us closer to the Father. While the season of Lent is more about looking at what prevents from seeing God at work in our lives, Easter is more about allowing ourselves to be more open to God's promptings. It is a time when we are called to be open to God's spirit working in and through us. This culminates at Pentecost where God sends his spirit upon the disciples. This is not just a private gift reserved to the lucky few, it is a commissioning to live that life of grace for others. During the Season of Easter we need to be open to the gifts of living this grace for others. We are called to be disciples who walk with Jesus. To be more comfortable with the life entrusted to us as members of a Christian community. Each person has gifts given them for the good of others.
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