28 Apr 2015

What would I love to spend my life doing?

We can never rest on our laurels! Where there is life there is growth! The main question in today’s gospel is not whether we will grow but how will we grow. What will our life be like? The essential question today is how will my life display God’s glory and beauty to the world? Will my life become fully alive with God’s dream for me?

We live in an age of self-made people. You can do anything if you set your mind to it! However, while there is a truth to this will it actually be the one thing that displays God’s life for you. Will it allow you to be truly free or a prisoner to experience? There is always a belief that we will have finally made it when we have achieved a certain goal or completed a certain project. But at the end of each goal there is a sense of achievement and disappointment. There is a satisfaction that something has been completed but also a wondering about whether this is all that life has to offer. When we invest our lives in a project we would want to make sure that it is one which still keeps giving life to us and to others on an ongoing basis. What would I love to spend my life doing? What will bring hope to others and to myself? What helps me most easily to see God’s beauty in the life I live?

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