25 Nov 2015

Being so busy preparing for Christmas that we miss Christ!

Our preparation for Christmas are important as they call us to centre on an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ and the life he offers to us. This can often be crowded out by Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, Christmas Parking, Christmas Travelling and even Christmas carols. They can give us a feel that something important is about to happen but can swamp us with too many experiences. As we approach Christmas we can often feel tired, lethargic and exhausted. So much of our time goes into the activity of preparation that we may find that we have not prepared ourselves. It is important that we make room for Christ to be in our hearts. This is about being a person of prayer who reaches out to others in need. It is a prayer which allows us to come to a still place where we are present to the people who are important in our lives. It is also important that we find not lose ourselves. I pray that during this season of Advent the focus could be on our preparing ourselves for Christmas Day and not becoming dissipated by too much activity. This is a time of joy, not sadness, of hope not despair, of charity not greed. May people see in us the face of Christ as we seek to discover the face of Christ in others?

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