16 Feb 2016

Do we shape the world or does the world shape us?

The context in which we live does shape our world. Our perceptions of how the world is can influence how we respond to others, where we invest our time and what we consider important.  What attracts our attention will influence what we do and what we seek to be. We only have to consider our news programs and note the ordering of what we view: current events, business, sport and weather. It is good to stay informed but as Christians we are called to view our world through a different lens. All of these things can have an impact on our lives but do they focus on what is urgent and immediate rather than what is important.
During Lent we are called to consider how we respond to the place where we live. There is a need to study our environment as it is not as we would wish it was; we need to be prayerful in being present to God and to others; we also need to act in a way which is considerate of what God and others have placed on our hearts. I think we can be driven by external events beyond our influence and control rather than looking at what God is putting right in front of us. By seeking to be people who pray, reflect and act we start to be present to a world full of God’s grace. The focus shifts of our plans and onto what God’s is achieving with us.
How have I found time to be prayerfully present to God and others?
Where have I spent most of my time?

What am I called to do next?

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