27 Sept 2016

All called to the table in faith

Often we have a belief that our faith is always dependent on what we do rather than on how we respond. There can be a tendency in which we put God to the test by believing that if we only had something more or were given a deeper insight that everything would fall our way. We can live as though God was not already present to us and our needs. If only we were able to discover the magic formula, the right words or the right actions we would be able to bend God to our every whim and desire. Yet the call is already placed on our hearts inviting us to serve at the table. This is not as the Gospel seems to imply that our lives are simply hard work and that God is a hard task master. It is rather a faithful listening to the voice of God which invites us to be present to what we can do and not what we can’t. The invitation is to see God in our everyday lives inviting us to the table of thanksgiving. By offering what we have rather than what we don’t, we allow God to bless the work we do perform with a sense of thanksgiving and generosity. God gives us the ability to respond in faith with our lives

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