24 Jan 2017

Be a blessing to others

There is often a common approach to the use of the Beatitudes as a checklist of our Christian growth. To a certain extent Jesus wants us to pay attention to these signs within us and within others. They help us recognize where God’s life is at work within us and helps us to be present to others. However, we need to guard against the belief that we can hold on to them as credentials which will guarantee our entrance into heaven. These are primarily signs to us which point to a reality which does not focus solely on our own achievements but which open us up to God and each other.

They are primarily ways of helping us to discern how God’s life is at work within our community. It would be good to remember that they call us to live a blessed life and to be a blessing to others. They put God at the centre so that with freedom we can show his life at the heart of our own. They are not so much a how to manual but a demonstration of the diving life which is at the heart of creation. The main prayer that we can always make is may my life be a blessing to others.

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