17 Oct 2017

Pay unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God

The commentary about the separation of the Church and State is one in which people often say that religion has no place in the public marketplace but should solely be reserved to the private sphere in which a person can enter into a relationship with God in the quiet of their own home. This separation between public and private life can often cause us to inherit a sense of dualism whereby we sense a disconnect between what we believe and how we live. Yet the two are intimately connected we cannot live two lives but we are called to become an integrated person who seeks to give an authentic witness to how God is present at the heart of our lives. We are called to grow in holiness and wholeness.
In our prayer, we are called to a place where we can be present to God in silence. This is not removing ourselves from the world but so that we can listen more attentively to the spirit of God who is present at the heart of all life. We know how easy it is to become distracted by activity and those relationships which dissipate us from own core identity. We can be tempted to invest our lives in only what is external and seek our salvation in a particular project, possession or position. The ordering of this allows us to become focussed on things which may be transitory rather than the spirit of God which speaks to our hearts. We are called to be attentive to our own interior self where God speaks to the heart of the matter. It is from this place that we can discover how we can be truly ourselves and act in a way which reaches towards a way of being which is authentically true. This does not mean we won't struggle in this area but does mean that we can discover how God can be present with our own desires to come into communion with God. Jesus desires for us to discover how our faith in action allows us to persevere in hope.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog posts John. I didn't know that you write blogs frequently. Great going. Keep it up.
