6 Dec 2017

A new super highway!

As our cities become more crowded and the daily commute only seems to take longer. There is a sense of everybody wanting to reach the same destination at the same time there seems to be a competition to arrive first and on time. We can jostle for our place and quietly argue with the lane which seems to be moving next to us when we have ground to a standstill. We wish if only there was a better way which would allow us to detect some movement and end our frustration.
Into this situation we here the voice of John the Baptist echoing the words down the centuries, make the paths straight. How we wish this were true. If there was a simple path to encounter the person of Jesus in our time and space. Yet this is the challenge of this Advent season. We need to play our part in finding time to do some roadwork and put out the cones so that people can know to slow down around us.This important work of pausing is not just a time in which we do nothing but it is a time when we are called to listen to the silence deep within. To become accustomed to the fact that our lives are not just about how fast we can arrive at our destination but who we will be when we arrive. This time of prayer and reflection can allow us an opportunity to listen to God's Word spoken to us. To engage with that Word in reflecting on what truly brings us life, hope and joy. To become people who are prayerful in allowing our hearts to be directed solely towards God's desire for us.
There are many ways to do this but one application which can help us in the car, on the bus or travelling by train is Pray as you Go at (https://pray-as-you-go.org/about/) which can allow you a simple downloadable 5 minute podcast. This allows you to be a contemplative where ever you are and however you are travelling.

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