17 Oct 2018

Tempted in every way that we are but did not sin!

There is always a temptation to ask for grace from God on our terms. We become used to asking for things that we believe will make all the difference in the world. The central temptation seems to be put ourselves in the place of God rather than allowing our lives to be in communion with God. Over the last few weeks I have been reflecting on the difference between proximity to Holy things and closeness to the Holy. Proximity can be measured and can be acknowledged by how many times we go to Mass, whether we say our prayers, whether we give money to charities and how we spend our time during the day. All of these are good things and are ways which can assist us to discover a closeness to God but they cannot substitute for an actual experience of that closeness.
The essential difference is whether we are working for Jesus or walking with him. I know this may sound like a broken record but I believe this is central to growing in a relationship of holiness and wholeness. When we want to walk with Jesus we see as what he has to say to us as important, we value his presence and we start to shape our days by what he sees as being life-giving for us. We become what he hopes for us and we start to encounter him in others and in the places where we live. It also gives the way we use our time a deeper meaning whether it is at work or play. This is an encounter of deep and lasting friendship where he desires the best for us.
This also changes how we exercise leadership which is not through force or authority over others but rather through a deeper love and engagement in what is good for them. We have become so used to seeing power being devolved from the top down that we are surprised to find that power actually comes from the bottom up. It is from those we consider powerless, insignificant and irrelevant that we are called to hear the voice of God emerge. Those who appear 'far away' from the seats of power.  When we listen to God he helps us to see that it is those without a voice who echo most deeply his desire for us. This is a call to draw the best out of us so that we do not fill up the deep emptiness inside us with power, prestige and stuff! Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you!

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