19 Jan 2019

What happens when the wine runs out?

We can often approach God in the way we approach other activities of our life. We can tend to budget our time and resources around what we can afford to spend on a particular activity. We can become caught by a mindset which sees only scarcity and this can limit the demands we put on God and even on ourselves. We can start to think that God's grace is limited by our requests when weighed against the more pressing needs that we witness around us. Therefore, we tend to doubt that God can provide everything we need to live. We start to rely on our own efforts and then leave it up to God to fill in the gaps.
Yet the story of the wedding at Cana demonstrates the contrary view of life. Here God's grace is abundant and more than sufficient. God does not just provide what is needed it provides the best of wines. God takes what seems ordinary and every day and multiples it in a way in which the recipients rejoice and celebrate. It is the same with our own lives. Each day we bring before God the ordinary gifts of our lives and God transforms them in a way which we could hardly be imagining. God entrusts us with gifts which when we use them for the good of the communities in which we live they bring unity and abundance. God gives us this steam of life for a good purpose. God gives us six days in which to fill up the jars of our life and one day to relax and be filled. The other important thing to remember is that it is God who turns the water into wine!

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