14 Mar 2019

Covered by confusion

This weekend and we notice the scene of the disciples climbing to the top of the mountain in which they witness the transfiguration of Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah. Their eyes are heavy with sleep but they manage to stay awake and are covered by a cloud. In the midst of their confusion, they hear the voice of God saying, "This is my Son, the Chosen One, listen to him." They are reduced to silence and do not tell anyone what they have seen.
During the last week, we have witnessed the sentencing and jailing of Cardinal George Pell and are still coming to terms to what that means for us as Catholics and as a Church. There is almost a sense that this all seems surreal and that we are cast into a reality which is hard to fathom. We struggle for answers and can become covered by a mixture of denial, anger, confusion and sadness. We search for an understanding but it feels like a blanket has been laid upon us.
Yet in the reading from Paul to the Philippians in which he points out that our true homeland is in heaven and that we are to remain faithful to the Lord. I think this is as true now when we face uncertainty about what steps we should take next. This is very much a time when we are called to see how we can be prayerfully present to God and each other. We are called to pray especially during Lent for a spirit of repentance and healing which draws us closer to God and to each other.

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