17 Nov 2021

May the Kingdom come!

 Telling the truth to power is at the heart of the Gospel. This is not a way of condemning those called to leadership but rather a way of helping them to discover what is at the heart of obedience, a true listening to the heart of God. As we face elections we often look at the person who is to fill the office and our opinion about whether they are suitable to govern. Yet at the heart of our concern is how they govern for the good of all. This is often the difficulty of elections is that leadership is often seen through the lens of political preference rather than a concern for the common good.

The heart of the gospel then challenges us to discover how we truly listen to the truth which proclaims the voice of Jesus to our age. This desire for synodality is not just an openness to hear all the voices but rather a considered discernment to what most easily allows this truth to be heard. This discernment seeks to discover what brings life and what trips us up in becoming living witnesses of Jesus Christ. What steps can we take day by day to allow us to become more transparent in listening to the Word of God spoken to us?

I believe that we are called to be witnesses to the Gospel. We are a people of pray, study, and action which lives for our time that as we grow in a living relationship with Jesus Christ we discover a deeper sense of unity for the common good. We seek to befriend each other and discover ways to reach those who doubt that the Gospel can be lived in our modern age. The reality is that we are all citizens of heaven who seek to live that truth here on earth. To be people who trust that the prayer taught to us by Jesus is a way of life, not just pious words.

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