12 Jan 2023

Witnessing what we are searching for?

 We are called to be witnesses in the world to God who binds us together. This calls us to become detectives of grace who search out what leads to life. We seek not to glorify ourselves but discover who it is who leads us in this journey. It calls us to notice that just as we search for God, God searches for us. This calls for an openness that transforms us and reorientates us. We are not called to live lives of splendid isolation. Each person's life has an effect on the life of another.

This calls us to be available each day to seek out how we may do this for the good of God, for the good of others, and the good of ourselves. It calls us to delight in the depths of our hearts and how we become people who live a truth that is not just about ourselves. We seek to become people who witness how Jesus Christ joins us in that daily search.

Each day we are called to discover how our eyes are opened, our hearts moved and our actions bear witness. This seeks to point not just at ourselves no matter how important we may become in the eyes of others. Our lives are called to bear witness to a relationship that is foundational to our whole life. Each day we seek to come closer to the person of Jesus Christ not just in theory but also in practice. We seek to be people who pray, reflect, and act in a communion of faith. We are formed in this relationship to a deeper trust that transforms the world we live in.

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