15 Dec 2023

Allowing my garden to grow

 During the year I have consciously tried to maintain a garden of pot plants on the veranda. I have had mixed success as some of the plants are more thirsty than others. There can be a tendency on my part to over water but also know that at times the plants go for significant periods when I need to be away. I find that this gardening is a profound act of trust that they will grow in their own good time. I have also tended to find plants that are not as thirsty and can survive our long hot summers.

When we encounter John the Baptist once again he seeks to not point towards himself but to Jesus. This witness seeks to not put the emphasis on who he is but rather on the person who is coming. This is a bit like myself as a gardener the emphasis is not on my own abilities but on the plants that can bring joy to passers-by who witness their beauty. 

This is also emphasized by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians. God entrusts us with gifts of peace that enable us to learn how to be good and avoid evil. The element is that our prayer is one of constant thanksgiving that calls us to make this journey towards Christmas.

So as we journey towards Christmas take time to smell the roses and give thanks for the many blessings that you will encounter today. So often we are in a rush to justify ourselves through our own efforts rather than seeing how God desires for us to discover our own holiness. Allow this time to be an advent of anticipation of all that leads you to a safe harbour that allows you to enjoy and give thanks for all that is good. 

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