27 Jan 2016

What would be the KPI's for Catholics?

What would be the KPI’s (Key performance indicators) for Catholics? This can seem to focus on what we are called to do rather than who we can become. As a sacramental people we are called to see the word made incarnate. This means that the celebration of sacraments is essential to the way we live. We are called to be a people who gather together and recognize that we travel with each other in our journey of faith. We listen to God’s word and allow it to speak to our hearts. We offer our lives in the Eucharist and thanksgiving for how Jesus becomes present to us. We are drawn into a communion with his Body and Blood, and then we are commissioned together to be a people to live as his disciples in our world. So it would appear that we are a people of God when we gather, when we listen, when we give thanks, when we are drawn into communion and when we go out on mission. At each Mass we celebrate what is fundamental to us as people on a journey of faith. We are people drawn into the mystery and the life of Jesus Christ.

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