25 Jul 2016

Where our treasure is our heart will be also.

I am a bit of a bibliophile. I love books. Part of the desire is to look for what makes sense of the world and to make connections. In looking for patterns and what fits I find myself in an ongoing search for what is real and lasting. However, at times I also need to remember that books are a way of engaging with the thinking of others and to have conversations with them but they are not an end in themselves. They are a way of assisting us to learn about life but they are not a replacement for engaging with what sustains life.

It is the same with many things which can become a security for us, whether it is money, possessions, the work we engage with, relationships or our favourite hobby. These are all important ways of seeking to find meaning in life but they do not substitute for what lies at the heart of life. We are called to seek a relationship which lies at the heart of all relationships. We are called to be people of prayer who prayerfully engage with our world. This is a call to be attentive and present. To listen for what is important for this day and this moment. It calls us to be real and in tune with the heart of God who seeks us out. In discovering what is real we find what is the treasure which sustains us.

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