2 Aug 2016

Like a thief in the night

At times we can become fearful of people breaking into our homes. Initially, we put locks on the doors, then alarms and finally maybe even video cameras. We want to ensure that what we own is not taken from us and that we want to make sure that our life is secure. However, we are aware that in many cases these are only deterrents. If a person is determined enough they will find a way in. This sense of invasion can bring with it a sense not only of intrusion but also that the place we call home has been violated by the presence of another.

Yet this is the image that the Gospel presents to us. That God will come like a thief in the night and break in at a time not of our own planning. This sense of intrusion into the normal events of daily life can deeply disturb and unsettle us. It may be something that we had not planned to happen and at times we feel incredibly vulnerable. Yet the Gospel calls us to stay awake and alert to these times when God may break through our hard built defences. This is an intrusion which is not called to rob us of something but rather to show how much we are loved and known by God. The preparation for these times is not difficult. We need to be people of prayer who listen for his voice. In our prayers, in scripture and in our daily life. By sitting and waiting on the Lord we become more awake and aware of how God may already be present. The places where God has taken residence in the home of our hearts.

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