6 Sept 2017

The Living of the Gospel

We can somehow be immunised by the advice from another even when it is well intentioned. We live in a world where we are given advice on a daily basis on what to eat, how to spend our money, what to read and what to think. This bombardment of information can cause us to become somewhat desensitised to the many voices and opinions which can seem to flood into our lives. Yet in the midst of all this commentary, we are called to have good friends who we can turn to who can be trusted to have our best interests at heart and who will be honest with us. We are not called to be solo operators or people called to carve out our own niche to the exclusion of all others. We are called to rub up against others and in the process have the rough edges softened. This is not always easy because it takes time to listen and make space for the other to be present to us. There is also a need to be receptive to hear what they say and ponder it in our own hearts. This calls for a prayerful way of living where each day we seek to listen to how God writes his message on human hearts as Good News. We are called to discover how we can be faithful to this life-giving message, and to see how it can liberate us in a way which brings hope and not disaster. The Gospel this weekend talks about building communities which can help to sustain us and which can speak the truth to us in a way which does not demean or alienate us. It calls for a place where God's loving presence can be truly experienced and be the guiding light for us. In the world which often proclaims that might is right this genuine concern for another is the hallmark of a Christian community. Ultimately, it is a place where we can discover a God who reaches out to us and accompanies us for the good of ourselves, for the good of others and the good of our world.

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