5 Mar 2018

Are our lives centred on God?

We can often start our day asking God to be present to us and to guide us through the day. There is something very healthy about this of surrendering ourselves over to God so that together we can do more than I could do on my own. Yet there is a trap which is also in this where we try to fit God into our agenda rather than allowing God to expand our worldview. It is almost the difference between spotlighting a particular issue and allowing everything to emerge into the light. In this first view, we narrow our focus just on to what interests us and what our concerns are. By this narrowing of our prayer just onto our own concerns, we can limit what else God has in store for us. This does not mean that our concerns are not important but they are not the sum of our whole life. In fact, it is quite natural to share them with God in prayer but they do not contain everything.
God wants us to see our lives transformed by love and mercy. When we become trapped into shrinking that only onto our own concerns we can miss the light which is being shone upon us. We are called to allow God to lead us into daily life and to notice those moments when we encounter grace-filled moments and give thanks. God is not called to revolve around the moments when we choose to be present but rather centring on God allows our lives to be transformed into a prayer where we start to see everything in that light. This is a Copernican revolution where we discover that God does not revolve around us but we are called to centre on God.

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