26 Feb 2023

What do we fast from?

The three temptations that Jesus encounters in the desert even beset us today. They are basically the same lie. We are only someone if we are powerful, influential, and relevant. We need to be seen, heard, and connected to the right people. The danger is that we can pursue things that are external at the expense of what is necessary which are faith, hope, and charity that flow from a living relationship with God. 
During Lent, we are often presented with these temptations in many different ways. We can spend a lot of time trying to control people and situations to arrive at a pre-determined end. This causes us to become myopic and moved by our own viewpoint. Prayer allows us to see with God’s eyes and gain a broader vision.
We can also spend time trying to bend others to listen to our voices. We can end up just hearing the echo of our own voice. We need to enter silence so God can speak to our hearts.
We can then try to process all the information available to stay up to date. We read, listen and consume many sources so that we may fit in. Yet we may lose ourselves. We need to rest so that we can connect with God for our own good and the good of others. 
So this Lent we can become people of prayer who seek to see with the eyes of God, allow our hearts to beat in rhythm, and surrender each day to God’s guidance. All shall be well, and in all things, all shall be well.

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